Environmental Advocacy

I will inhale smoke and exhale butterflies

This quote, gleaned from a dream, encapsulates my need to take man’s pollution of this world and transform it into something of nature.

As an interdisciplinary artist, I explore the possibility of a material’s ability to transform. My focus is on fiber and mixed media constructions and installations that convey environmental activism, while incorporating material based sub-text. My materials include commercially fished line, ghost gear, recycled and antique textiles as well as found objects, which come together to create a universe only slightly different from our own.

The resulting effect is a cocktail of science, culture, nature, myth, history, and ritual, inhabiting the space of its viewers with intrigue while inspiring thoughtful dialogue of how material can be both physical as well as an abstract concept. The beauty inherent in nature is brought to life to craft a portrait of meaning and movement, while building chapters on evolution and ecology. An installation approach I frequently employ is the natural history museum style of diorama.

Born in New York in 1971, I now live and work in a studio located on a spit of sand on coastal Massachusetts. 

The artist would like to acknowledge that her studio is on the stolen ancestral land of the Monomoyick People. She tries to be a good steward of the land, letting nature reclaim the surroundings.

Studio interview for the Provincetown Art Association and Museum